Some Day

You push me away and I come back running,
Faster, tighter and stronger this time.

You do to me what the wind does to the wind chime. Make me sing, drench in your melody and leave without a word to say.

The snap of your absence hurts like never before. It pricks, leaving marks all over me. Bleeding of the heart, can anyone ever see?

Like the desert never thinks of the salty sea, are you trying to role play this with me?

I scream to be with you, like the thorns to the cactus . I’ll survive just like they do,no water , no food, gloomy whether and dry atmosphere and you.

I tell you I’ll love you, even if you don’t. Clinging on the possibility, feeling like an obscure object in a gift shop, maybe maybe someday eyes will fall upon me, and make you buy me.

Till then I stand with cobwebs on me, tangling in a mess of a greater mess. Waiting for the loud thud they call the earthquake , or just a snap they call the fall.

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